Sunday, October 23, 2005

Download & watch "End of Suburbia"

Someone in my peak oil group sent this out to our listserve. I highly recommend watching this documentary!

In America, Cheap Oil = Car Culture = Suburban Sprawl

But if the era of Cheap Oil is over...
And if Car Culture becomes increasingly unaffordable...
What will happen to our supersized Suburbia?

Is suburbia an evolutionary dead end?
Can we adapt to a new age of oil scarcity?
And what's all the hype about 'Peak Oil'?

Are you ready? Find out --
Watch "The End of Suburbia," for free here.

"frightening" "shocking" "outstanding" "powerful"
"just enough humor to sugarcoat the bitter pill"

Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream

For more information or to purchase a DVD or VHS

Since World War II North Americans have invested much of their newfound
wealth in suburbia. The suburbs have promised a sense of space,
affordability, family life and upward mobility. As the population of
suburban sprawl has exploded in the past 50 years, so too has the
suburban way of life become embedded in the American consciousness.

Suburbia, and all it promises, has become the American Dream.

But as we enter the 21st century, serious questions are beginning to
emerge about the viability of this way of life. With brutal honesty and
a touch of irony, The End of Suburbia explores the American Way of Life
and its prospects as the planet approaches a critical era, when global
demand for fossil fuels begins to outstrip supply. World Oil Peak and
the inevitable decline of fossil fuels are upon us now, some scientists
and policy makers argue in this documentary.

The consequences of inaction in the face of this global crisis are
enormous. What does Oil Peak mean for North America? As energy prices
skyrocket in the coming years, how will the populations of suburbia
react to the collapse of their dream? Are today's suburbs destined to
become the slums of tomorrow? And what can be done NOW, individually
and collectively, to avoid a catastrophic outcome?

Hosted by Barrie Zwicker. Featuring James Howard Kunstler, Peter
Calthorpe, Michael Klare, Richard Heinberg, Matthew Simmons, Michael C.
Ruppert, Julian Darley, Colin Campbell, Kenneth Deffeyes, Ali Samsam
Bakhtiari and Steve Andrews. Directed by Gregory Greene. Produced by
Barry Silverthorn. Duration: 78 minutes

Friday, October 21, 2005

The New Devil's Dictionary

The original was written during the civil war by a journalist.

The New Devil's Dictionary one has definitions pertaining to our century.

Some of my favorites....

America: Noun. Former republic, reported founded 1776, but which foundered soon thereafter. An exemplary idea, a belief better realized in the abstract than actuality.

Christianity: Noun. 2,000 year-old religion originally based on gentle non-violence. Now a worldwide cult transformed by conquest, persecution, money-making, & cronyism.

Democratic Party: Archaic English. Defunct Influence group. Now less powerful than PETA but featuring neutared males and spayed females nonetheless. (*OUCH but I gotta say that made me laugh!)

I noticed the one definition they didn't have was the Republican Party. So here's my go at a definition.

Republican Party: Archaic English. Defunct influence group. Originally started with a platform of anti-slavery but by the 21st century had been hijacked by neo-faschists, corporate slaveowners (see Cheap Labor Conservative), and religious cultists.