Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Impeach Bush

Screw Nancy Pelousi's taking impeachment off the table! Are you tired of Bush's policies & lying? If the government is not doing it's duties, we have the right to change it!

Compel the new (more friendly) Congress to start IMPEACHMENT proceedings using a little known method called an "Impeachment Memorial". What is an Impeachment Memorial you ask? It's a letter or petition that uses a little known and rarely used part of the Rules of the House of Representatives ("Jefferson's Manual") which empowers individual citizens to initiate the impeachment process themselves. Normally, members of the House must pass a resolution to initiate the impeachment procedure. A Minnesota-based group called Impeach for Peace has researched this method and is asking fellow citizens to join them in sending Impeachment Memorials to Congress en masse on January 15th, 2007 when the new Congress convenes.

It's easy. Go to the Impeach for Peace website & download & print the petition. Then mail it.

The basis for this method is found in Jefferson's Manual which is a sort of interpretive guide to parliamentary procedure, and is included (along with the Constitution) in the bound volumes of the Rules of the House of Representatives. It is ratified by each congress (including the current one), and has been updated continuously through the history of our democracy. Within the Manual itself, the section covering impeachment is designated Section LIII. Section 603 refers to the section of the entire volume (including the Constitution and Rules) in which you'll find the listing of acceptable vehicles for bringing impeachment motions to the floor, the second vehicle being of most interest. It reads:

"In the House of Representatives there are various methods of setting an impeachment in motion: by charges made on the floor on the responsibility of a Member or Delegate (II, 1303; III, 2342, 2400, 2469; VI, 525, 526, 528, 535, 536); by charges preferred by a memorial, which is usually referred to a committee for examination (III, 2364, 2491, 2494, 2496, 2499, 2515; VI, 552); or by a resolution dropped in the hopper by a Member and referred to a committee (April 15, 1970, p. 11941-2); by a message from the President (III, 2294, 2319; VI, 498); by charges transmitted from the legislature of a State (III, 2469) or Territory (III, 2487) or from a grand jury (III, 2488); or from facts developed and reported by an investigating committee of the House (III, 2399, 2444)." --Source: U.S. Government Printing Office

CNN exit polls have indicated the top issues that voters are concerned about most is corruption and ethics in government (42 percent) and the handling of the Iraq war (40 percent). Although the election results show that a majority of Americans are dissatisfied with the direction our country is going, I believe we must send an unmistakable message to Congress that corruption, lies, constitutional abuses and overreaching executive power can no longer be tolerated in a free and democratic society. Join me and over 300,000 others who have downloaded a copy of the memorial letter from Impeach for Peace's website in mailing our representatives this January to hold the administration accountable for it's actions.

Feel free to pass this information to other concerned citizens.


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