Sunday, December 25, 2005

New Years Resolutions

I’ve been listening to the Moody Blues’ rendition of “Happy Xmas (War is Over)” all this month. Every time Justin sings “So this is Christmas And what Have you Done? Another Year Over and a New One Just Begun….”, and it’s got me thinking about what I’ve done with myself this year.

I’ve actually met some of the goals I had for myself last year. I’ve done some yoga, I’ve been more active with things I feel strongly about (gotten active in Peak Oil group), I’ve vacationed. I really didn’t get too much organizing done this year but I did get some house projects off my list (painted it, new gutters to replace the old ones falling off, new screen door).

I’m going to be traveling on New Year’s, so I’m putting my new year’s resolutions on early.

Here’s what I plan to do in 2006.

1) Practice love, gentleness & kindness. Continue to learn how to let go of past hurts & angers.
2) Get to know my niece & nephew better. Spend more time with them.
3) Have fun! Dance, see plays & concerts, ride my bike, spend more time outdoors, get to know my neighbors & spend more time with family & friends.
4) Write for 2 hours every day. Finish some stories; self-publish.
5) Clean out & organize my house so that I can spend more time with God, Ben, family & friends. Get rid of anything extraneous & unused. The organization plan is done, now to sort, organize & have a garage sale. Getting a shed for the backyard will help too because all of the yard stuff can go in there & not in the basement. I want to make the basement a useable room, not a storage unit.
6) Start new holiday traditions. Add activities from the old world.
7) Create a family history scrapbook for my parents. Get pictures, histories & anecdotes from family members. Goal: Finish by Christmas 2006.
8) Take care of myself spiritually, mentally, & physically (exercise & continue to eat lots of veggies & fruits).
9) Volunteer to help feed the homeless.


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