Thursday, July 21, 2005

Quote & thoughts on this nightmare of a century

Quote of the week:

"I love America more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually." James Baldwin - Notes of a Native Son

Comments on the news over the last week:

To all Londoners, my heart and prayers are with you. Don't let those who wish you to be frightened win. Of course, you all survived the Blitzkreig, which must have been a thousand times worse, so I think you'll be fine.

No big surprise, Bush is changing his tune about firing anyone who leaked information on Valerie Plame. From's article.

President Bush said yesterday that he will fire anyone in the administration found to have committed a crime in the leaking of a CIA operative's name, creating a higher threshold than he did one year ago for holding aides accountable in the unmasking of Valerie Plame.

After originally saying anyone involved in leaking the name of the covert CIA operative would be fired, Bush told reporters: "If somebody committed a crime, they will no longer work in my administration."

Bush can't fire his brain. Interesting side note, Rove was fired from his Papa Bush's administration in 1992 for another alleged leak.

Novak and Rove deny that Rove was the leaker. Mosbacher maintains that "Rove is the only one with a motive to leak this. We let him go. I still believe he did it."

(Sources: "Karl and Bob: a leaky history," Houston Chronicle, Nov. 7, 2003, ; "Genius," Texas Monthly, March 2003, p. 82; "Why Are These Men Laughing," Esquire, January 2003)

Bush pledged to bring back dignity and honor to the office of president? How? By sweeping the truth under a rug and ignoring it?

Send Rove a pink slip


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